Jagga says.Don't Assassinate my character final warning to Social media rumour mongers

Will complaint to High command as well as PCC and CLP Will file a defamation suit

Aug 21, 2023 - 21:50
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Jagga says.Don't Assassinate my character final warning to Social media rumour mongers

Hyderabad. (RNI) August 21. In CLP office MLA Jagga Reddy informal meeting with media on  Monday,he says that. He has been silent for a more than one year.Even though it was said so clearly in the media conferences, few persons are still whispering
He asked If one doubt is gone..what will we do if another doubt comes.Suspecting the other is the task..?
He said that he had been. Doing politics since 41 years.We have grown politically through many hardships and hurdles.
He explained that he has survived on his mother's salary.His father died at the age of his four years 
He did politics with his mother's salary
He said  sadly he has nothing more than that.Those who whisper about him should know
He asked stop your whispering for now.Even if he has debts and mla.. there is no income.We protected his character by raising crores of debt and holding meetings.Don't cast doubt on people again
This time if anyone negative in me..I will complain to the party High command leadership. Will also complain to PCC and CLP leaders
He appealed  to rumour mongersDo not spread false propaganda by assuming that there is something that is not there.Even file defamation suit he warned to social media rumour mongers
And also said that serves legal notices.But if it doesn't change.. I will hand it over to my followers
He offered to those who are spreading rumours against him in social media platform Whoever proves that he has assets will give a good reward. Legal action will be taken against those who are spreading false propaganda against me on social media.This is the final warning.
I am facing accusations from Seethamma goddess.The Ramas were faced all the hardships he is facing Jagga Reddy Said.

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