Special Task Force (STF) with the help of Uttrakhand police arrested a notorious criminal from Rishikesh in Uttrakhand. The arrested miscreant was identified as Ranjit Chaudhary son of Ramadhar Chaudhary of Belaur village under Udwantnagar police station. He carried an award of Rs. 2 lakh on his head. He was wanted at least 27 criminal cases like loot, extortion, murder, attack on police force and also under Arms Act in Bhojpur, Patna in Bihar and East Champaran in Jharkhand. With the arrest of Ranjit Chaudhary, Bhojpur police heaved a sigh of relief.

Sep 7, 2024 - 20:39
Sep 7, 2024 - 21:02
 0  351

ARA (RNI) Special Task Force (STF) with the help of Uttrakhand police arrested a notorious criminal from Rishikesh in Uttrakhand. The arrested miscreant was identified as Ranjit Chaudhary son of Ramadhar Chaudhary of Belaur village under Udwantnagar police station. He carried an award of Rs. 2 lakh on his head. He was wanted at least 27 criminal cases like loot, extortion, murder, attack on police force and also under Arms Act in Bhojpur, Patna in Bihar and East Champaran in Jharkhand. With the arrest of Ranjit Chaudhary, Bhojpur police heaved a sigh of relief.

Ranjit Chaudhary known as Don Ranjit Chaudhary is mastermind of criminal gang active in Bihar and Jharkhand and is counted among the most notorious criminal of Bihar and Jharkhand and the police had announced an award of Rs. 2 lakh on his head. Dozens of people were murdered in Bhojpur andn Patna in gang war in between the goons of Ranjit Chaudhary and Butan Chaudhary. Besides dozens of criminal cases are pending with the police under different police station in Bihar and Jharkhand against Ranjit Chaudhary. Even at Ara, he was wanted in cases related to land grabbing and demanding of extortion from doctors. It was said that the gang of Ranjit Chaudhary ruled the roost in different district of Bihar and Jharkhand was mainly involved in contract killing, extortion and land mafias. The STF had launched secret mission to arrest Ranjit Chaudhary and at last acting on a confidential report, arrest Ranjit Chaudhary from Rishikesh in Uttrakhand.

On November 6, 2023, some armed miscreants on a car had shot dead a sand contractor Devraj Yadav of Nisarpur village in Paliganj in Patna district near the gate of Rani Talab police station in presence of his personal bodyguard with licensee arms in which name of Ranjit Chaudhary was figured. An FIR was lodged with the police under Rani Talab police station in this regard. Meanwhile a video of Ranjit Chaudhary was made viral on the social media platform by his family members after his arrest in which Ranjit Kumar is seen blaming the DSP, Paliganj, Pritam Kumar and the SHO Rani Talab police station Durgesh Kumar Gahlot of the murder of Devraj saying that the family of Devraj had not taken his name and only names of some villagers was taken in the murder and DSP, Paliganj Pritam Kumar and the Investigating Officer of the case unnecessarily implicated him in the murder. He lived with his family members in Uttrakhand. He also said that when his name was figured in the murder of Devraj, he contacted the DSP but he replied that that does not happen and he should surrender and get bail from the court. He also questioned as to why the judiciary system is there and added that he wished to say to the President of India and even the apex court that his wife had already lodged an FIR with the police in connection with murder of Devraj. In the FIR his wife said that she had informed the police about eight hours ago that her husband might be murdered. When the police were informed about eight hours ago, how Devraj was murdered. How he knew that Devraj was to come there. Only the DSP and the SHO were dragging him in the murder case. If his name is figured, it is fine. He had got him murdered but at the behest of the then DSP Pritam Kumar who gave him contract for the murder of Devraj saying that whatever money comes, would be divided equally between them. In the said video, he added that all he wants to say is that if he has got Devraj murdered, the then DSP is also involved in it. He requested the President and the CJI of the Apex court to scrutinize and investigate the role of the DSP and the SHO who is an IO of the case too.

Besides, one Gopal Chaudhary alias Nepali Chaudhary of Belaur village under Udwantnagar police station was shot at and injured at the gate of the Ara Civil Court on February 29, 2024 and an FIR was lodged with the police under Nawada police station in this regard against some persons including Ranjit Chaudhary on the statement of Gautam Chaudhary, son of the injured and the police had identified the miscreants involved in the firing from the CCTV footage. Ranjit Chaudhary was also made accused of the murder of Rakesh Kumar of Arjunpur village under Industrial police station in Buxar district along with his aides.

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